This Trac instance is not used for development anymore!

We migrated our development workflow to git and Gitea.
To test the future redirection, replace trac by ariadne in the page URL.

TODO: Describe the config options better

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <shader effect="model_transparent"/>
    <define name="USE_TRANSPARENT" value="1"/>

    <alternative material="basic_trans_ao_spec.xml" quality="8"/>
    <alternative material="alphatest_ao_parallax_spec.xml" if="CFG_FORCE_ALPHATEST"/>
    <!-- REQUIRES: Actor must provide a texture named "normTex", where the Alpha channel
                   is the heightmap (white = high). 
         COMMENT: Pixels that are exactly white are calculated more efficiently (on average) 
          if dynamic branching is supported by the player's GPU.
     EFFICIENCY: This is a moderately expensive effect, so use with care. -->
    <conditional_define name="USE_PARALLAX_MAP" value="1" type="draw_range" conf="PARALLAX_DIST"/>
    <conditional_define name="USE_HQ_PARALLAX" value="1" type="draw_range" conf="PARALLAX_HQ_DIST"/>
    <!-- REQUIRES: Actor must provide a texture named "normTex", where the RGB channels
           are a normal map corresponding to XYZ normals.
     EFFICIENCY: This is a relatively inexpensive effect that should run easily on most hardware. -->
    <define name="USE_NORMAL_MAP" value="1"/>
    <!-- REQUIRES: Actor must provide a texture named "specTex", where the RGB channels
           provide a specular colour multiplier. 
           Material must provide a uniform definition for "specularPower" that controls
           the glossiness of the effect.
     COMMENT: The intensity of the colour controls the specular amount, so black pixels have
          no specularity. 
     COMPATIBILITY: This effect is incompatible with the old "USE_SPECULAR" effect.
     EFFICIENCY: This is a relatively inexpensive effect that should run easily on most hardware. -->
    <define name="USE_SPECULAR_MAP" value="1"/>
    <!-- REQUIRES: That "USE_SPECULAR_MAP" is enabled and a texture named "specTex" is provided by the Actor.
           The Alpha channel of the texture defines the amount of self-illumination, with 
           transparency being no self-illumination.
     COMMENT: Full self-illumination means the screen colour of a pixel is equal to its baseTex value.
     EFFICIENCY: This is a very cheap effect, however it also requires the calculation of specular. -->
    <define name="USE_SELF_LIGHT" value="1"/>
    <!-- REQUIRES: Actor must provide a texture named "aoTex", where the R channel is the Ambient Occlusion.
                   The model must provide a second, non-overlapping set of UV coordinates.
     COMMENT: The texture is combined using a multiply blend of (2 * ao * baseTex). -->
    <define name="USE_AO" value="1"/>
    <!-- Settings for effects above:
         First value: Normal mapping intensity.
     Second value: Specular power.
     Third value: Parallax scale.
     Fourth value: AO amount. -->
    <uniform name="effectSettings" value="1.0 50.0 0.0075 0.85"/>
Last modified 12 years ago Last modified on Aug 14, 2012, 1:54:39 AM
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